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dentist and dental assistant

Did you know

Your smile is a strong point of attraction, 61% of adults admit that they are attracted to somebody’s smile alone.

Students planning on gaining admission to dental school must successfully combine an academic major with the specific prerequisite requirements. Most dental schools are not selective in your degree. Are you interested in dentistry? You should select the best degree for you. Factors to consider:

  • How efficient is the degree?
  • What are your passions?
  • If Dentistry were no longer a thing, what would you do?
  • Where do you feel most confident academically?

If students are having trouble deciding which major is best for them, we can help! Meet with a pre-health advisor through our College of Health Science Student Services and Academic Advising Office.

The Pre-Dentistry Pathway is a non-degree program available at Boise State University. You will not earn a degree in Pre-Dentistry*.

*with the exception of those who attended Boise State before August 2018.

Pre-Health Advising Team

Contact an advisor by emailing

Suggested Academic Plan

Steps you should be taking in your first year at Boise State:

  1. Attend Orientation
  2. Required Advising Appointment
  3. Start Major Exploration
  4. Start Exploring Schools
  5. Consider taking the courses listed to the right in your first year

Students should consult the Admission Requirements of U.S. and Canadian Dental Schools handbook for requirements specific to their professional schools of interest. For additional information, visit

Information is available from advisors concerning the Idaho Dental Education Program (IDEP), a state-supported tuition program for qualified Idaho residents to professional schools outside the state of Idaho.

Dental Year 1

The courses listed on the tables are meant as a guide for students to start completing the requirements to apply to dental schools in the U.S. Students should meet regularly with their academic and pre-health advisors to ensure progress.
*For a complete list of University Foundation Courses please see the catalog on the Registrar’s Office website.
** Found on DAT (Dental Admissions Test)

Semester 1 Semester 2
(FW) ENGL 101 Writing and Rhetoric I (3)
(FM) MATH 143 College Algebra (3)
(FA) Foundation of Arts (3)*
(FN) BIOL 191 Biology I: Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology (4)**
(UF) UF 100 University Foundations: Foundations of Intellectual Life (3)
(FW) ENGL 102 Writing and Rhetoric II (3)
(FS) PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology (3)
MATH 144 Precalculus II: Trigonometric Functions (2)
BIOL 192 Biology II: Introduction to the Diversity of Life (4)**
(FN) CHEM 111/111L General Chemistry I with Lab (4)**

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